Mythily Ramaswamy

International Centre for Theoretical Sciences-TIFR, Bengaluru

Mythily Ramaswamy is Senior Scientist in mathematics at the International Centre for Theoretical Sciences-TIFR, Bengaluru. She did her PhD in 1990 at Paris. She was faculty at the TIFR Centre for Applicable Mathematics, Bengaluru (until retirement in 2019). She is Adjunct Professor at Chennai Mathematical Institute since 2019. She was elected Fellow of the Indian Academy of Sciences in 2007 and NASI Senior Scientist. Her research interests lie in analysis of differential equations and applications to control problems. At presently, she serves on the Council of the Indian Academy of Sciences.

Mythily Ramaswamy

Session 2A: Special Lecture

Kalyan Bidhan Sinha, JNCASR, Bengaluru

Differential Equations: a glimpse

Differential equations, ordinary as well as partial, arise in many applications and their study is being pursued vigorously using a variety of tools. From an analyst's view point, the main issues of different types of solutions and their existence, uniqueness and also certain control aspects will be discussed.