Aveek Bid

Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru

Aveek Bid is Associate Professor at Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru. He completed his PhD from the Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Science. His research interests are electrical transport in two-dimensional materials, graphene, and low-dimensional superconductors.

Aveek Bid

Session 1D - Symposium on “Twistronics”

Manish Jain

Graphene on hBN: bands with a twist

The relationship between energy (E) and wave vector (k, the inverse of wavelength) is a key characteristic of quantum systems. In metals, the energy of electrons varies quadratically with k, whereas for photons, the relationship between E and k is linear. This means that electrons in metals are non-relativistic, while photons adhere to Einstein's theory of relativity. Graphene presents a condensed matter system that allows the study of relativistic effects in a laboratory setting. In this talk, how the dispersion relation in bilayer graphene can be transformed from non-relativistic to relativistic by creating Moiré superlattices will be explained. This is done by placing graphene on an insulator, boron nitride (hBN), which has a slight lattice mismatch with graphene. The effect is further enhanced by introducing a small twist between the graphene and the hBN lattice. How this alteration in the electronic dispersion relation of graphene influences its electronic properties will be discussed.